This coffeemonster is part of the UNLIMITED series.
Storytime coffeemonster #492:
„Oh, my, god. He farted again. I cannot believe he farted. Really. What is this? A gas station? Uah. Smell that. And look how happy he looks right there. Super-sound, super-happy one may think. Uah…“ said the father of Norman the multi-legged-durgkus. Something like a dog, but also a snail and … let’s say he’s an alien, to make it short. And he likes farting.
// Meet the UNLIMITED series
The coffeemonsters are a daily ... weekly ... monthly ... well, a thing. And i am overwhelmed by your support lately. So here is a new Series of prints without the limitation but also without me signing and numbering them. Good for me. Good four you, as they will be delivered faster by a fullfillment-center in the US or Latvia. <3
Product details:
• Paper thickness: 0.26 mm (10.3 mil)
• Paper weight: 189 g/m²
• Opacity: 94%
• ISO brightness: 104%
• 21 × 30 cm posters are size A4
• Paper sourced from Japan
Shipping details:
Please note that this product will be shipped either from the US or from Latvia, not from Germany, as this is a Print On Demand and my printers workspaces are located there. It may take a while to arrive when you live abroad from these countries, like always, but will be put in production right away. <3